feeling of inadequacy

美 [ˈfiːlɪŋ əv ɪnˈædɪkwəsi]英 [ˈfiːlɪŋ ɒv ɪnˈædɪkwəsi]
  • 力不从心的感觉
feeling of inadequacyfeeling of inadequacy
  1. The feeling of inadequacy was overpowering .


  2. Relationship Between Attribution Style of Senior High School Students and Feeling of Inadequacy and Self-efficacy


  3. I can assure you that this feeling of inadequacy will soon pass .


  4. The strong feeling of inadequacy described above actually comes from a sense of self-importance .


  5. Objective To study the relationship between the attribution style of senior high school students and the feeling of inadequacy and self-efficacy .


  6. Surely anything I do to try to increase my children 's superiority will lessen their feeling of inadequacy .


  7. These people often exaggerate their prowess , usually to hide a feeling of inadequacy , or feel they are entitled to more than their fair share of compensation .


  8. Sufferers of mageirokos can feel extremely intimidated by people with skills in cooking , and this intimidation and feeling of inadequacy is probably the root cause of the disorder for many .


  9. Results There were significant differences in attribution style , the feeling of inadequacy and self-efficacy between the students from key senior high school and the students from common senior high school , while that between male and female too .


  10. The smartest individuals may find it more difficult to decide which ideas to prioritise with distraction leading to , what psychiatrist Dr Ned Hallowell cites as , " a feeling of inadequacy and inability to deal with the workload as a whole , " the Telegraphreports .


  11. One factor that can hold us back from sharing our faith is a feeling of incompetence or inadequacy .
